The new John Deere series of shows!
The John Deere Forage Combine Show premiers on YouTube at the official John Deere channel on the 27th October 2021 at 7pm!
This Entertaining and informative show shares the latest news in harvesting, chat with experts and we get to spend some time in the field and around the kitchen table with Will and Tom Carlisle from Rowles Farm.
Look forward to exciting behind-the-scenes insights, talks presented by experts, and interesting information on the various models and innovations of John Deere harvesters.
The new DEERE STUDIO format offers you entertaining insights, with exclusive information from branch experts and John Deere engineers and product managers.
We look forward to seeing you their please come along and enjoy the show at John Deere YouTube Channel!.
If you missed the Forager Show last week. The show is available on demand from John Deere’s YouTube Channel which has a link below Please take a look as it is an easy and fun watch!